Blog: Q&A with Lesley Alli, SVP Industry Relations and Corporate Communications, National MI

Lesley Alli is the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Industry Relations and Corporate Communications of National Mortgage Insurance (National MI). As part of USMI’s Q&A series celebrating prominent women leaders in housing finance, Lesley shared her thoughts on the importance of women leaders in the housing and mortgage industries, how she has navigated her career, and how the housing and mortgage industries can better support women borrowers.
Lesley Alli Biography
Lesley Alli is responsible for leading National MI’s efforts in external public and industry relations, including corporate communications, public policy, and government enterprise and agency affairs. She has nearly 25 years of experience in the mortgage industry and most recently was a founding member of Home Point Financial Corporation serving as the Chief Investor and Industry Relations Officer prior to its sale to Mr. Cooper. Previously, she held senior management roles at both Fannie Mae and Countrywide Home Loans. She holds a bachelor’s degree with distinction from the University of Michigan and a graduate certificate in Strategic Management from Harvard University.