Statement: FHFA 2015 Scorecard Progress Report

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Today, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released its 2015 Scorecard Progress Report for activities undertaken at the government housing enterprises, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac.  USMI welcomes the focus of FHFA on credit risk transfer (CRT) over the last three years, but urges FHFA and the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) to further advance efforts to reduce taxpayer risk through greater up-front risk sharing with the private sector, including private mortgage insurers (MIs).

“Importantly, the report recognizes the accomplishment of finalizing new private MI master policies that provide greater clarity on payment of claims, and the Private Mortgage Insurance Eligibility Requirements (PMIERs), the new capital and operating standards for MIs.  Both of these affirm the reliability of MIs as risk sharing counterparties,” said Lindsey Johnson, President and Executive Director of USMI.

The report also shows that, while progress has been made, the amount of risk sharing still remains relatively small, meaning more can be done to de-risk GSEs with private capital, which would directly reduce pressure on GSE capital and the need for any future taxpayer assistance.  Further, the report conveys that the vast majority of transactions occur on the backend.  USMI remains committed to working with FHFA and the GSEs on specific steps to increase the amount and levels of credit risk transferred from the GSEs to private capital and to take greater advantage of the benefits of front-end risk sharing with MI.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Press Release: USMI Announces 2016 Policy Priorities

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For Immediate Release

February 17, 2016

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Announces 2016 Policy Priorities

Outlines Solutions to Protect Taxpayers and Enable Homeownership

(February 17, 2016) U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) today announced its 2016 public policy priorities, aimed at helping ensure broader access to sustainable homeownership while reducing taxpayer risk.

“As policymakers look for more ways to increase the role of private capital to the make housing finance system less risky and more sustainable, USMI is well positioned to be an active voice in promoting the proven benefits and reliability of MI for taxpayers and borrowers,” stated Lindsey Johnson, USMI President and Executive Director.  “The initiatives we are announcing today offer real solutions to further the important goals of housing finance reform.”

USMI announced the following proposed policy actions to expand access to affordable credit and reduce taxpayer risk through the use of MI, including:

  • Setting and Using GSE Fees;
  • Extending and Preserving Tax Deductibility of MI;
  • Protecting Taxpayers by Expanding Use of Deeper MI in GSE Risk-Sharing;
  • Strengthening the Role of MI in Comprehensive Reform Legislation;
  • Striking the Right Balance for Taxpayers in Establishing Complementary Roles for FHA and MI; and
  • Strengthening State Regulation of MI.

A complete description of the policy initiatives can be found here.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Poll: Results and Forum Highlight Interest for Reducing Housing Risks

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(February 10, 2016) Today, USMI released new polling results showing strong national support for reducing GSE and taxpayer risk through increased reliance on private capital. The data comes in advance of tonight’s Urban Institute /Core Logic Forum on risk sharing, “Credit Risk Transfer: Making a Successful Program Even Better.”

For more information about tonight’s Urban Institute/ Core Logic Forum CLICK HERE

To see complete topline poll results CLICK HERE

U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

Press Release: Mortgage Insurance Reliably Transfers Mortgage Credit Risk

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MIs are Strong Counterparties, New Capital Standards Further Enhance Reliability

(February 3, 2016) Policymakers are considering proposals to de-risk the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) through greater reliance on private capital, such as expanded up-front risk sharing using private Mortgage Insurance (MI). Today, MIs are more resilient and reliable counterparties, dedicated to providing access to housing finance credit in good and bad economic times.  The time is right to move forward to expand front end risk sharing with MI, and USMI members are ready to do more. Click here for USMI’s latest factsheet – Mortgage Insurance Reliably Transfers Mortgage Credit Risk.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

Press Release: USMI Names MGIC’s Pat Sinks as Vice Chair

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For Immediate Release

January 14, 2016

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Names MGIC’s Pat Sinks as Vice Chair

Expanded Leadership Team Reflects Growing Industry Presence

(January 14, 2016) U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) today announced that Patrick Sinks, Chief Executive Officer of MGIC, will serve as the organization’s Vice Chair. This new role reflects the growing presence in Washington of the MI industry since the organization’s formation in March, 2014, and builds on the appointment in September, 2015 of Lindsey Johnson as USMI’s President and Executive Director.

“As policymakers look for more ways to increase the role of private capital to protect taxpayers and expand homeownership, this is a critical time for housing finance policy and the MI industry,” said Sinks. “I look forward to helping USMI be an active voice in Washington on housing finance policy, including reducing taxpayer risks by expanding GSE risk sharing with the proven reliability of MI.”

“Pat brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our mission to inform housing finance policy,” said Rohit Gupta, Chair of USMI and President and CEO of U.S. Mortgage Insurance at Genworth. “We will be actively engaged in many important policy discussions this year, and in Pat’s new capacity as Vice Chair, he will greatly enhance those efforts.”

Patrick Sinks has served as MGIC Investment Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer since March 2015. Pat brings more than three decades of experience in the mortgage insurance industry to USMI, beginning his career with the company at its primary subsidiary Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. (MGIC) in 1978. Pat has served numerous roles at MGIC, including President and Chief Operating Officer of both MGIC Investment Corporation (MTG) and MGIC prior to being named Chief Executive Officer.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Statement: FHFA 2016 Scorecard

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USMI Statement on FHFA 2016 Scorecard 

Today, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released the 2016 Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Common Securitization Solutions.  USMI welcomes the continued attention by FHFA in the scorecard to de-risk the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) through greater sharing of credit risk with the private sector.  At the same time, USMI remains committed to working with FHFA and the GSEs on specific steps to increase the amount and levels of credit risk transferred and to take greater advantage of the benefits of front-end risk sharing.

“We look forward to responding to the Request for Input and encourage FHFA to proceed in order to take advantage of expanded front-end risk sharing, particularly with private mortgage insurance (MI), to more fully protect taxpayers from exposure to housing related losses,” said Lindsey Johnson, President and Executive Director of USMI.  “After three years of largely back end risk sharing transactions, the time is right to move forward with a more balanced approach.”

As policymakers continue to work toward de-risking the GSEs in the absence of comprehensive reform, expanded front-end risk sharing with MI should be a part of the solution.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Statement: Moore – Stivers Letter to FHFA Director Watt

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For Immediate Release

December 4, 2015

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Statement on Moore – Stivers Letter to FHFA Director Watt

“Yesterday’s bipartisan letter from Representatives Gwen Moore (D-WI) and Steve Stivers (R-OH) to Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Watt is further evidence of the growing bipartisan support for de-risking the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) with additional risk sharing transactions to reduce taxpayer exposure to losses from another housing downturn.  USMI commends Representatives Moore and Stivers for urging FHFA to take additional steps to incorporate front end risk sharing, including with MI.

The letter expresses concern ‘about the lack of balance between ‘front-end’ and ‘back-end’ risk sharing.  With FHFA having affirmed the importance of using private capital whenever practicable and equitable in credit-risk sharing transactions, we wanted to urge additional exploration and refinement of credit-risk sharing techniques that are consistent with other federal housing goals.’

Front-end risk share transactions transfer the risk of loans before they ever reach the GSE’s balance sheets.  The letter by Reps. Moore and Stivers joins a bipartisan letter in the U.S. Senate by Sens. Mark Warner (D-VA), Bob Corker (R-TN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Jon Tester (D-MT) and Dean Heller (R-NV) which also encourages FHFA to expand and better define the development of credit risk transfer programs.”


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Press Release: New Paper from Goodman, Parrott and Zandi Analyzes Risk Sharing Options

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For Immediate Release

December 3, 2015

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

New Paper from Goodman, Parrott and Zandi Analyzes Risk Sharing Options

As momentum is growing to further de-risk the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, it is essential that policymakers have access to rigorous and thoughtful analysis of all the options.  To that end, Laurie Goodman, Jim Parrott and Mark Zandi released an excellent paper – Delivering on the Promise of Risk Sharing – that examines the various front and back end risk sharing options in order to facilitate “a full understanding of the trade-offs will only be understood as the different structures are tested in the market.”

USMI welcomes this kind of rigorous analysis, which concludes that frond end risk sharing with MI potentially satisfies all of the essential goals – from reducing taxpayer risk and maintaining broad borrower access to credit to minimizing volatility and maximizing transparency.  All policymakers who are intent about how to de-risk the GSEs in the absence of comprehensive housing finance reform are well-served and should be guided by this thoughtful analysis.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Statement: Luetkemeyer – McHenry Letter to FHFA Director Watt

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For Immediate Release

December 2, 2015

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Statement on Luetkemeyer – McHenry Letter to FHFA Director Watt


Statement by Lindsey Johnson, President and Executive Director of USMI

“Today, Representatives Blaine Luetkemeyer and Patrick McHenry sent a letter to Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Watt ‘regarding the transactions that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises) enter in order to share mortgage credit risk with private market participants.’ According to the letter, ‘[w]hile we strongly support these transactions as a mechanism for mitigating credit risk to the Enterprises and U.S. taxpayers, we are concerned that the focus for these transactions has been too heavily concentrated on back-end credit risk sharing. Accordingly, in order to expand the scope of risk sharing and to avoid favoring one approach to risk sharing over another, we believe that the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) should require the Enterprises to also explore and engage in diverse forms of front-end credit risk sharing.’

USMI members applaud Representatives Luetkemeyer and McHenry, Chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s Housing and Insurance Subcommittee and House Financial Services Committee Vice Chairman, respectively, for their leadership and advocacy on this important issue.

In advance of the upcoming release of FHFA’s 2016 Scorecard, taxpayers still face significant exposure to losses from another housing downturn. Front-end risk share transactions transfer the risk of loans before they ever reach the GSE’s balance sheets. As outlined in the letter, the benefits of front end risk sharing are clear. USMI agrees that there should be a greater balance between front and back end credit risk transfers. Of the several ways that the GSEs can conduct front-end risk share transactions, using MI on the front end is one of the easiest, most readily available forms that would be accessible to a vast majority of lenders today.

Momentum is growing to expand front end risk sharing with MI, and USMI members are ready to do more to de-risk the housing finance system while enhancing homeowners’ ability to borrow in an affordable way.”


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at

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Statement: Highway Bill Passage

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For Immediate Release

December 1, 2015

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Statement on Highway Bill Passage

Statement by Lindsey Johnson, President and Executive Director of USMI

“USMI applauds the conference agreement for a multi-year surface transportation authorization bill, one that importantly continues to reject the use of mortgage credit risk guarantee fees (g-fees) charged by the housing finance enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as a source to finance the extension of federal highway programs.

USMI members are grateful that Congress refrained from adding an additional fee to mortgages for unrelated expenses, which would pose undue and unnecessary costs to current and future homeowners.”


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at


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Statement: MBA Letter to FHFA Director Watt

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For Immediate Release

December 1, 2015

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Statement on MBA Letter to FHFA Director Watt

Yesterday, the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) sent a letter to FHFA Director Mel Watt urging action to reduce the continued taxpayer risk exposure posed by the housing GSEs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The letter specifically calls on the FHFA to require greater use of up-front risk sharing by the GSEs, particularly with deeper private mortgage insurance (MI) coverage, to de-risk loans before they are acquired by the GSEs.

MBA President and CEO Dave Stevens highlighted the “imperative that the GSEs reduce their retained risk in order to avoid any increase in taxpayers’ investment in the enterprises,” and stated that “multiple forms of up-front risk sharing should be piloted including deeper cover mortgage insurance (MI).” Stevens goes on to say that risk sharing “should not advantage certain lenders relative to others” and that “[the MI] approach would be operationally easiest for the vast majority of lenders.” In addition, the MBA letter detailed reasons why the MI industry is such a reliable counterparty and well positioned to bear additional housing finance risk.

USMI could not agree more. The MI industry has covered more than $50 billion in claims to the GSEs since the beginning of the financial crisis, resulting in substantial taxpayer savings. USMI member companies never stopped paying claims, and never stopped writing new coverage. MIs are subject to rigorous new capital and operational standards under the Private Mortgage Insurer Eligibility Requirements (PMIERs) issued by the GSEs with oversight by FHFA. The MI industry has attracted billions in new capital since the crisis, and is well positioned to raise even more. Further, as of October 2014, MIs operate under new master policy agreements, which provide assurances about the consistent handling and payment of mortgage insurance claims and bring greater transparency and clarity to contractual protections for lenders and investors.

We look forward to working with FHFA, the GSEs and lenders of all sizes in making progress towards a more sustainable housing finance system that is less risky for taxpayers, while ensuring access to creditworthy borrowers.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at


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Statement: Status and Solvency Of the FHA Insurance Fund

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For Immediate Release

November 16, 2015

Media Contacts

Robert Schwartz 202-207-3665 (

USMI Statement on Status and Solvency Of the FHA Insurance Fund

Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) reported on the status of the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (Fund), which has been below the statutory 2% minimum capital ratio since 2009. Consistent with the general credit improvement regarding residential mortgages, the Fund met the minimum standard.

USMI President and Executive Director Lindsey Johnson stated: “We welcome the progress made, but caution against a false sense of security from today’s report. It is a reminder of continued taxpayer exposure to more than $1 trillion in FHA insured mortgage credit risk. The MI industry and FHA should serve as complementary ways to promote sustainable homeownership. But to do that, FHA still needs to become more financially resilient in line with the rest of the financial system, and remain focused on its core mission of serving underserved communities.”

The Fund’s current capital ratio is noteworthy because the amount of capital held relative to risks assumed has been increased in other parts of the housing finance system, but not at FHA. Updated Private Mortgage Insurance Eligibility Requirements (PMIERs)—stress-tested financial requirements developed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency—significantly increased claims paying capacity and capital for the MI industry. Unlike other financial entities under Dodd Frank, Federal Reserve requirements, and PMIERs, the FHA 2% minimum capital ratio has not been increased and is not subject to stress testing. For this reason, analysts such as Mark Zandi have recommended a substantial increase in FHA’s minimum capital ratio to 4.5% to reflect lessons learned from the financial crisis.

Accordingly, USMI is calling for reforms to the FHA capital standard. USMI encourages policymakers to increase the Fund’s minimum capital ratio to reduce the chances of a taxpayer bailout in future market downturns, and to stress test those levels to ensure the Fund’s financial position is more consistent with the risks assumed.

Click here for a comparison of private mortgage insurance and FHA insurance.


U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) is dedicated to a housing finance system backed by private capital that enables access to housing finance for borrowers while protecting taxpayers. Mortgage insurance offers an effective way to make mortgage credit available to more people. USMI is ready to help build the future of homeownership.  Learn more at


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