June 30, 2016
Statement: FHFA Credit Risk Transfer Progress Report and RFI

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has released a Progress Report and Request for Input (RFI) on Single-Family Credit Risk Transfers as a follow-up to the release of the 2016 Scorecard for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Common Securitization Solutions. U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) welcomes the opportunity to work with FHFA and the government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) on specific steps the GSEs need to take to increase the amount and levels of credit risk transferred. Front-end risk sharing with deeper coverage using private mortgage insurance (MI) will address existing shortcomings in the GSEs’ credit risk transfer efforts and offers substantial benefits for taxpayers and borrowers.

June 22, 2016
Letter: USMI Joins Call for Reduction in Unnecessary GSE Fees on Borrowers

Today, U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) joined 25 financial services and residential real estate trade associations and consumer groups, including the National Association of Realtors, Mortgage Bankers Association, National Association of Home Builders, Credit Union National Association, as well as the Center for Responsible Lending and Consumer Federation of America, in a letter to Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Director Mel Watt calling for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (the government sponsored enterprises, or “GSEs”) to reduce or eliminate loan level price adjustments (LLPAs) charged by the GSEs.

June 3, 2016
Press Release: USMI Announces New Housing Finance Reform Principles

U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) today announced a new set of housing finance reform principles to help evaluate and shape reform efforts aimed at ensuring that American consumers have access to mortgage credit while better shielding taxpayers from housing-related risks.

June 1, 2016
Press Release: Private Mortgage Insurance Helped More Americans Become Homeowners in 2015

Private mortgage insurance (MI) helped approximately 740,000 homeowners in 2015, a more than 18 percent increase over 2014, U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) today announced in conjunction with National Homeownership Month. This growth mirrors the positive national trend showing total mortgage borrowing reaching a four-year high.

March 31, 2016
Article: Private Mortgage Insurers Make Their Mark on the Industry

Private mortgage insurance companies, although few in number, play an important role in the housing finance system […]

March 22, 2016
Press Release: USMI Supports Affordable Housing Principles and Calls for Transparency in FHFA Duty to Serve Plans

USMI submitted comments on the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA’s) proposal for how the government sponsored housing enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should serve underserved markets. USMI supports both principles of facilitating the financing of affordable housing for low-to-moderate income families consistent with the Enterprises’ overall public purposes while maintaining a strong financial condition and reasonable economic return.

March 17, 2016
Brendan Kihn, Government Relations Director

U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) announced today that Brendan Kihn has joined the organization as Government Relations Manager. “Brendan is a terrific addition to the USMI team,” said USMI President and Executive Director Lindsey Johnson. “He brings a strong background in housing finance policy to the organization at a time of intense focus on housing policy, at the congressional and regulatory as well as state level. His insights and analysis will strengthen our advocacy and impact at this important time.”

March 15, 2016
Letter: Joint Letter on G-fees

(March 15, 2016) In letters to House and Senate Budget Committee leadership, USMI joined a broad group of more than a dozen housing organizations urging Congress to use GSE G-fees for their intended purpose, to support homeownership stability.

March 3, 2016
Statement: FHFA 2015 Scorecard Progress Report

(March 3, 2016) Today, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) released its 2015 Scorecard Progress Report for activities undertaken at the government housing enterprises, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. USMI welcomes the focus of FHFA on credit risk transfer (CRT) over the last three years, but urges FHFA and the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) to further advance efforts to reduce taxpayer risk through greater up-front risk sharing with the private sector, including private mortgage insurers (MIs).

February 17, 2016
Press Release: USMI Announces 2016 Policy Priorities

(February 17, 2016) U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI) today announced its 2016 public policy priorities, aimed at helping ensure broader access to sustainable homeownership while reducing taxpayer risk.

February 16, 2016
Statement: Polling Finds Majority Supports Using Private Capital to Reliably Reduce GSE Taxpayer Risks

(February 16, 2016) Last week saw more activity demonstrating the value of private Mortgage Insurance as a reliable way to enhance access to mortgage credit for consumers and protect taxpayers against housing losses, particularly through greater front end risk sharing by the GSEs

February 10, 2016
Poll: Results and Forum Highlight Interest for Reducing Housing Risks

Today, USMI released new polling results showing strong national support for reducing GSE and taxpayer risk through increased reliance on private capital. The data comes in advance of tonight’s Urban Institute /Core Logic Forum on risk sharing, “Credit Risk Transfer: Making a Successful Program Even Better.”