April 3, 2014
Press Release: USMI Applauds Bipartisan Vote Extending Homeowner Tax Relief

“USMI applauds the members of the Senate Finance Committee for voting on a bipartisan basis today to extend vital homeowner tax relief. We are particularly pleased that the bill continues to recognize the tax-deductible treatment of mortgage insurance premiums for low and moderate income borrowers.”

March 21, 2014
Video: Politico’s Jon Prior Leads USMI Policy Forum

Panelists included: Kent Colton, Harvard University; Doug Holtz-Eakin, American Action Forum; Rohit Gupta, Genworth Mortgage Insurance; Barry Zigas, Consumer Federation […]

March 21, 2014
Video: Sen. Isakson’s Keynote at USMI Policy Forum

Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) kicks off USMI policy forum at the Newseum March 10.  

March 21, 2014
Sen. Johnny Isakson and Housing Finance Leaders Address Future of MI at USMI Policy Forum

Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) and housing finance leaders Kent Colton, Doug Holtz-Eakin, Rohit Gupta, and Barry Zigas […]

March 20, 2014
Letter: To FHFA regarding GSE Loan Limits

The undersigned organizations appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) proposal to reduce the loan purchase limits for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (“the Enterprises”).

March 18, 2014
Press Release: USMI Applauds Johnson-Crapo Housing Reform Bill

“USMI applauds Senate Banking Committee Chairman Johnson and Ranking Member Crapo for reaching a bipartisan agreement on housing finance reform legislation, drawing largely from the bipartisan Corker/Warner bill.

March 10, 2014
Press Release: USMI Launches March 10

Six of the leading active U.S. mortgage insurance companies announced today the launch of a new trade association, U.S. Mortgage Insurers (USMI).

Arch MI, Essent, Genworth, MGIC, National MI and Radian are the founding members of USMI.  The new organization replaces Mortgage Insurance Companies of America (MICA), which wound up operations in early 2014.