Supporting sustainable reforms that remove barriers to homeownership
USMI strongly supports enabling homeownership for all mortgage-ready borrowers, including historically underserved households. We support efforts to remove barriers to homeownership and increase access to affordable and sustainable mortgage credit.
These principles, as articulated in USMI’s response to FHFA Request for Input (RFI) on its Equitable Housing Finance Plans, apply to specific concepts and proposals that aim to advance equity in the housing finance system.
The private MI industry welcomes the opportunity to work with FHFA, the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), and other housing finance stakeholders to advance these goals.
Are you interested in in learning more about USMI’s policy priorities on access, affordability and sustainability in housing?
USMI members continue to help millions of borrowers bridge the down payment gap. USMI supports sensible regulatory and legislative reforms to further address barriers to homeownership and promote an equitable and sustainable housing finance system backed by private capital.
In collaboration with more than 100 organizations and individuals involved in the Black Homeownership Collaborative, USMI promotes enhanced access, affordability, and equity in homeownership, as well as the work to increase sustainable homeownership rates among Black Americans.

USMI sent a letter to then HUD Secretary-designee Marcia Fudge emphasizing the importance of housing policies that promote affordable and sustainable access to mortgage finance credit
USMI joined with several industry groups in sending letters to President Biden and congressional leadership advancing policies that promote equity by ensuring that homeownership is an achievable financial goal for all Americans.
Additional Resources:
- Op-Ed: Low Down Payment Mortgages Make It Possible To Buy A Home In A High-Rate Environment
- Testimony: USMI Testifies on Housing Affordability: Governmental Barriers and Market-Based Solutions
- Op-Ed: You can still buy a house with a low down payment
- Podcast: President Seth Appleton on HousingWire’s Daily Podcast
- Op-Ed: PMI is good for first-time buyers and housing finance system